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Saturday, 2 March 2013


Shelley von Strunckel
One of the world's top astrologers
writes a weekly forecast.

Shelley von Strunckel is best known to the public for bringing respect to her field and her ground-breaking approach to its presentation. She'd already been a consulting astrologer for fifteen years before creating the first ever astrological column in the London Sunday Times newspaper in 1992. In addition, she uses astrology to analyse people in the news, ranging from politicians to movie stars. She has devised a new style of astrological journalism in which the planets and signs are employed to create a revealing thumbnail sketch of high profile and intriguing subject; these currently appear in the Evening Standard's ES Magazine.
She writes daily, weekly and monthly columns, which she began in 1991 sharing a byline with the late Patric Walker. These are present in newspaper and magazines which are published in Europe, Australia, and Asia; these include, notably , the South China Post, the Time of India, Gulf News, and French and British Vogue.


ARIES MAR 21-Apr 19
How ever much of a hurry you
are in to make progress, you will soon realize that haste only complicates
things. Not only that, it is not until you slow down that you are likely to spot potentially important issues on the partnership or financial front.

TAURUS Apr 20-May 20
By now you have probably realized 
that leaving potentially difficult issues unattended is not just unwise but adds to the confusion. With the full moon on the 26th bringing matters to an emotional head, what is not discussed now will turn into a drama then.

GEMINI May 21-Jun 20
The problem with Mercury's retrograde 
cycle is not the errors it triggers but the doubts that surface, some of which you have been doing all you can to avoid even acknowledging. Tackle then now, discussing with those you trust and where possible, confronting them.

CANCER Jun 21-jul 22
Unsettling as sudden developments involving 
who or what you care about most maybe, they are only about growth. Neither worry About those nor the fact that winning others over may mean revealing more of your feelings than you like.

LEO Jul 23-Aug 22
For ages you have put off making
changes that would Substantially alter your life, feelings they would be as disruptive as they are unnecessary. Now with others in a difficult mood you are hoping that you can just put the whole thing off. You cannot and should not.

VIRGO Aug 23-Sep 22
Obviously, you would prefer it if
everybody would agree to one plan. But it is increasingly apparent that it is not going to happen, So you need to do what you can and hope others recognize the wisdom of your decisions. However, with Mercury retrograde keep plans loose.

LIBRA Sept 23-Oct 22
You have already endured unexpected 
twists in existing plans and surprise dilemmas over the past week or so. However, because those triggered by Thursday's clash between Venus and Uranus are about developments you should explore each one of them.

SCORPIO Oct 23-Nov 21
There has been no question
that several issues kicked up by the retrograde Mercury in Scorpio need to be dealt with urgently. Others, however, remain somewhat confusing. Do nothing, as there is yet more to learn about these during the week's second half.

SAGITTARIUS Nov 22- Dec-21
By now you have realized that expecting
 plans to remain organised is a formula for frustration. This is because of the confusing that accompanies Mercury's retrograde cycle, and this week's planetary activity. Sudden Changes May be disruptive but also informative.

CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 19
It is out of character but if you stop micro-
managing life temporarily and take things as they come you will save yourself a lot of aggravation. More importantly, when surprise twists arise during the week's second half you will be able to explore all the options.

AQUARIUS Jan 20-Feb 18
You would easily mistake the tensions
you experience in the run-up to Thursday's clash between Venus and Uranus and the Full moon a day later as reason to worry. Actually, these give you a chance to clear up past misunderstandings and then move on.

PISCES Feb 19-Mar 20
If you believe in something you may
have to go it alone temporarily. This is about taking a different approach, one that leads to a new and improved way of doing things. Standing up for what you believe in takes courage, but soon proves to be worth it.

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