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Saturday, 2 March 2013

10 Ways to make a co-passenger shut up!

WE ALL HAVE OUR PERSONAL LISTS - of the zaniest/ quirkiest /funniest /craziest /smartest ... We devote this page to them. This week ,Jean Michel Bolly lists ..
10 Ways to make a 
co-passenger shut up
Put him/her in alert mode: In the Course
of a friendly conversation, mention
that you are highly stressed and that 
you might have a nervous breakdown
at any moment, particularly if someone 
keeps yakking non-stop.

Act deaf: Pretend to be hard of hearing
and use wild hand gestures, knocking 
over everything on his/her dining tray.

Snooze: Pretend to be sleeping and
snore really loud each time she
attempts to talk.

Speak a weird lingo: Speak a language he 
does not understand

Be nosy: Lean over and pretend to read 
his e-mails if he is using a laptop. It's
likely to annoy most people and crub
any friendly chat.

Spook them: Wear a balaclava. there
are some really weird kinds. Choose
the spookiest.

Bore him: Regale her with tales of your
holiday break, offer to show her all
your holiday picture album.

Reveal secrets: Concoct a wild tale and
pass it off as your own life story.
Mention how the guys from the
boxing club you used to hang around
with at college taught you a few moves

Make an offer he cannot resist: Offer him 
a giant gobstopper sweet.

(bad) breath him away: Chew on a few
garlic cloves just before your flight.

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